Saturday, October 07, 2006

.:·:·::4-Shopping Lovers::·:·:.

Hi,This week I started to read a book called Little White Lies. This book is about a girl that wants to restart her life by moving to London. There, she had a high class life, shopping all days and going to famous clubs on weekends. This book makes me think about the all day life of much woman and teenagers. Why? Well, just because we love to go shopping!

When Caro, the girlfriend of my brother, comes to Cartagena we go to The Old City because there are many boutiques, such as Pilatos, Hernan Zajar, and many others. Also when I go to Medellin we go shopping too because there you can find beautiful clothes, shoes, purses, etc. and they are very cheap. If you come to Cartagena, Colombia, I will recommend you to go to The Old City and look also at some boutiques in the Av. San Martin.Do you know why I love to go shopping? No? Okay, I love to go shopping because I love fashion! In the future I want to be a famous fashion designer.

My mother is a very good friend of Francesca Miranda, a recognized fashion designer here in Colombia. Some weekends I go to her factory and she teaches me basic things of fashion designing. I think that if a continue learning those things maybe I’m going to do well in college. I’m very happy of what I’m learning, because I enjoy doing it. I think shopping is one of the best hobbies.

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